The Designated Children’s Safeguarding Officer (DCSO) for Northern Ireland Fencing is Taryn Graham – [email protected]
If you prefer to speak to the DCSO she can be contacted on: 07862137446
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can contact the Safeguarding Officer for British Fencing email [email protected]
Tel: 07717740125 – For urgent issues please call 07526003030
Should you wish to put your concerns in writing they should be sent to
Equality and Safeguarding Manager
British Fencing
1 Baron’s Court
33-35 Rothschild Road
London W4 5HT
Children and Young People’s Advisory Group
As part of NI Fencing’s new Safeguarding Implementation Plan, we are interested in hearing the views of young fencers on how NI Fencing is run, and how we can best keep children and young people in fencing safe. If you are interested in having your views heard, please speak to (or ask a parent to contact) the Designated Children’s Safeguarding Officer (DCSO) for Northern Ireland Fencing, Taryn Graham – [email protected].