If you have a safeguarding concern you MUST report it.
In Northern Ireland Fencing we believe that the welfare of children and adults at risk is everyone’s responsibility, particularly when it comes to protecting them from abuse. Everyone in fencing – administrator, club official, coach, parent, friend, children themselves, everyone – can help.
Serious Concerns/Imminent Risk
If you have a serious concern and you believe that a child or adult at risk is at imminent risk in the first instance you must contact the Police or Children/Adult Services in your area, then contact the NIF Designated Safeguarding Officer (Taryn Graham) immediately: 07862137446.
If the NIF Designated Safeguarding Officer is unavailable, you can contact the British Fencing Equality and Safeguarding Manager on the emergency 24hr safeguarding number: 07526 003030.
If you are in doubt as to whether your concern is serious, contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer (Taryn Graham) for advice: 07862137446.
If the NIF Designated Safeguarding Officer and British Fencing Equality and Safeguarding Manager are unavailable, call the NSPCC ([email protected]) who are available 24/7 for help, advice and support: 0808 800 5000
All Other Concerns
If there is no immediate risk, you can report the concern in the following ways:
1. If the concern arises during an event, you should contact the designated event welfare officer
2. If the concern relates to an affiliated club activity, you should contact the club welfare officer
3. If none of the above apply or you are not comfortable speaking to the nominated welfare officers, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer (Taryn Graham) during normal working hours: 07862137446.
Finally, please remember NIF will support anyone who, in good faith, reports his or her concerns that a child is at risk of, or may actually be, being abused.