AGM NI Fencing Ltd – 21 August 2012 – UUC Campus

//AGM NI Fencing Ltd – 21 August 2012 – UUC Campus

Dear Members,

The second AGM of NI Fencing Ltd will be held on Tuesday 21 August 2012 – 7:15 for 7.30pm start – at the University of Ulster Coleraine Campus.

In accordance with the Articles of Association (available on the NI Fencing Website) the Board shall consist of The Managing Director and up to six Directors who shall be elected at the AGM.  The Managing Director holds the post for three years and is not up for election at this AGM.

The following Directors wish to be re-elected under section 6.3 of the Articles:

P Hazlett (Director)
J Simpson (Director)
A Slater (Director)

There are therefore 3 vacancies on the Board of Directors and we now seek nominations for those positions.  Nominees must meet the following criteria:

Be a member of Northern Ireland Fencing (Or British Fencing via any home nation);

Be Over 18 Years of Age.

In addition not more than two Directors may be elected from any one club.

If you would like to participate in the development of the sport within Northern Ireland then please notify the Company Secretary, Mrs Julie Murphy, by email ([email protected]) or by post to:

Mrs Julie Murphy
18 Flush Green
Belfast BT6 0GJ


In particular we would welcome nominations from Clubs not currently represented on the NI Fencing Board.

Nominations must be received no later than 12:00pm on Friday 15 June 2012.

On Behalf of N.I. Fencing Ltd
